Circus Physicus
A playful phenomena area, that gives the visitor insight into physical and technical phenomena. Engage in hands-on and full-body learning experiences about rotations, gears and power transmission with fun and surprising exhibits.
Photo: David Trood.
A playful phenomena area, that gives the visitor insight into physical and technical phenomena. Engage in hands-on and full-body learning experiences about rotations, gears and power transmission with fun and surprising exhibits.
A dozen cogwheels on a metal plate give the visitor an intuitive understanding of power transmission. The visitor pushes the cogwheels together in one of many combinations. Then all the cogwheels can be set in motion, simply by turning one of them. Which cogs will turn clockwise and which will turn counter-clockwise?
A fast rotating table top allows the visitor to play with different rings’ (opposing) movement. This is similar to what you might see in performing acts at the circus where the rings are placed inside other rings, resulting in surprising movements.
Visitors have to keep a ball suspended in the air with the help of a stream of air. The exhibit is designed as a game in which the stream of air must lead the ball through a metal loop, to be become overtaken by the other player’s air stream. Knowledge of how air flows around round objects is useful when you need to calculate the wind force on masts, oilrigs, and round buildings.
Play with rotation.
Play with forces of air.
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