House of Inventions
What makes a good invention? In the House of Inventions, you set out on a journey of discovery into the mind of the inventor.
Photo: David Trood
Photo: David Trood
The inventor’s manual. Meet four inventions that have changed the world: For example the transistor, which is a central component of any computer. But also the loudspeaker, the microphone and the dry cell battery. Which two of these four inventions do you think were the brainchild of Danes?
Compete against technology. You can challenge yourself and a robot in two ways: Try to beat it in terms of speed and precision. Or build an obstacle course and program the robot to negotiate the track without putting a foot wrong.
Ideas gateway. This is how an idea was born for a wonderful product which has helped thousands of people. The story of the nurse Elise Sørensen who became an inventor to help her unfortunate sister.
Danish technology lounge. Danish engineers are behind such varied products as insulin syringes and fighter pilot helmets. Here you have the opportunity to understand the technology in some of the newest versions of outstanding Danish products.
Technology time machine. One invention often rests on the shoulders of another. For instance, no one could invent the bicycle before the wheel was invented. Experience the history of technology in our time machine.
Inventors’ thicket: Listen to a number of Danish inventors who, through applying their determination and inventiveness, transformed a clever idea into a product.
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