The Interactive Roof
The Interactive Rooftop offers fresh air, a spectacular view and fun activities for both body and mind (open from Spring to Autumn).
- Fra 6 år
- Mennesket Motion Sundhed
- 30 min.
Experimentarium’s rooftop has been fitted with interactive play equipment that combines exercise with technology, maths and music.
Experience The Rooftop Beach on the Interactive Rooftop. Here you can play and learn about nature phenomena such as wind, water, clouds and waves, and at the same time enjoy the ever-changing Danish weather.
Occasionally – when the Danish weather allows it – we like to demonstrate our soap bubble skills on the rooftop.
Join us for lots of bubble fun – you will for sure learn new bubble tricks.
The Building Block Square offers you the opportunity to build a house, a fortress or something else from large, soft foam-rubber bricks. Use the big crane to lift and move your building materials.
As you work, you will learn about basic building principles, such as roofing and how to construct stable walls. It is also fun tearing it all down again and building something new.
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