The Port
Embark to play and learn about global trade. Navigate a ship in the Ship Simulator and get a grip on the link between transport and CO2 in the world's largest interactive ball track.
The Port is an exhibition about global transportation and especially the scientific and technical aspects of the world of shipping.
The exhibition’s center piece is a large ship filled with fun activities. Try your hand in navigation in the Ship Simulator, get blown away by the Wind Simulator and see if you can obtain equilibrium as you stack a ship with containers.
In the World’s largest interactive ball track you can get a grip on the link between transport and CO2 as you transport goods between Denmark and the Far East.
Finally, you can take a trip out to the North Sea offshore sector and explore one of nature’s most amazing resources: oil.
Get blown away in our Wind Tunnel, as you feel the force of the wind at sea at rising intensity. On the wall, you can see a video recorded at corresponding wind speeds from the bridge of a container ship crossing the North Atlantic.
Havnen på Experimentarium. Foto: David Trood.
In the Ship Simulator, you can try navigating a ship on the open sea. We have built a realistic bridge with commanding views of the sea ahead, while the training simulator will test your skills as a shipmaster.
The Port is home to the world’s largest interactive ball track. Your assignment is to make global trade flow smoothly, while keeping an eye on transport time and CO2 emissions. The marble run simulates global trade by ship, plane, trains and trucks and is structured like a game, in which several participants have to work together and at the same time also to compete against each other.
Visit the Port where you can test different wind forces on your own body. This video shows what calm seas look like on the shipping route through the St. Lawrence River towards Montreal, Canada. The video was recorded by the co-pilot on the Maersk Palermo.
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